Booking changes

In most cases renters can change the booking themselves, in some cases we can help.

Extending a booking

Renters can extend a booking themselves through their Snappcar account by clicking the 'extend booking' button. Then the request to extend the booking is sent to the owner, who can choose to either accept or deny the request. Once the extension is accepted and the renter has paid any additional costs, the new return time is confirmed. The booking can be extended several times, as long as the owner accepts the request. It is only possible to extend the booking while the rental period is still ongoing. Once it has expired, it is no longer possible to extend the booking and the tenant will have to send out a new booking request for the remaining time.


Advance or shorten your booking

It is also possible for renters to advance or shorten a booking. Here too you will receive a request, it is up to you whether you want to accept or deny the request. If the renter wants to pick the car up at an earlier time which falls outside of the time that's already paid for, you will receive the amount of the original booking plus the extra time. If the renter wishes to shorten the booking, your rental income will remain the same.

Adding additional drivers to the booking
It is possible for renters to add additional drivers to the booking. This is only possible when the additional drivers also have a fully verified SnappCar account; this way we can keep SnappCar as safe as possible. When the booking is confirmed, the renter can choose 'Add an additional driver' in the booking. The email address of the additional driver can be entered and will be officially added so that the additional driver is also insured during the rental period.

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