Fuel and mileage costs


The car owner and the renter are free to handle the fuel used during a rental in every way they see fit. SnappCar does not play an active role in this process. We facilitate a step in the check in process of the app, that lets both parties fill in the fuel tank level at the start of the rental and at the end of the rental. This does not mean that any costs connected to this are regulated by SnappCar. 

The most common way for handling the fuel is this: It’s the owner’s responsibility to make sure that the car is fully fueled when the renter comes to pick it up. It is then the renter’s responsibility to bring back the car fully fueled. However, the owner could also leave the car with say 80% and the renter would then fill up the tank to the same level.

To make it easier the owner should instruct the renter on how many liters/how much it usually costs to fill a tank, since they know their car best. They could for example say that a full tank is usually X Euros and Y liters. 

Some owners prefer to get reimbursed with a payment instead of fueling up the car, for example if the renter has booked the car for a couple of hours and want to avoid the hassle with fueling up the car it might be easier for both parties. This would then be calculated by the amount of kilometers driven, in combination with how many liters the car pulls per kilometer driven, multiplied by the current price per liter.

The reason why the fuel level is registered at check-in and check-out is to help SnappCar mediate if the renter and owner have a dispute, any differences will not be regulated automatically. 

Our recommendation is this: always make it clear in your communication on how you will solve these extra costs. The owner could for example write their preferred way in their profile, or they could both confirm it in the messages of the app. If SnappCar needs to intervene and there is no written proof of your arrangements, we can only look towards what is said in the check in and check out of the booking.

If you are a renter, always ask beforehand how the owner wants to solve the fuel payment if he/she hasn’t said anything about it before you pick up the car.

For information on the fuel registration of Keyless cars, read here.




Charging electric cars

The same rules apply for charging an electric car. Most car owners don’t ask their renters to charge it to the same level, but might instead ask for a payment as mentioned above. Make sure to instruct the renter clearly on how you wish to handle the charging. For example you could let them pay a cost for each kilometer but always ask them to at least return it with for example 30% power so you are free to use the car afterwards without charging.



The renters get a certain amount of kilometers per rental day that they are allowed to drive without an extra charge. The amount of free kilometers is set by the owner, as is the price a renter pays per kilometer when they drive more than the free amount. The total amount of free kilometers for a rental is calculated by multiplying the number of days the rental period is long, by the number of free kilometers per day. On top of this, we withdraw the same fee as we do on the booking cost for the insurance and SnappCar fee, and the rest is paid out to the owner together with the rental income. 

The limit of free kilometers is not saying that the renter is not allowed to drive more than that, only that it will cost extra when they pass that amount. It also doesn't matter how many kilometers they drive each day of the booking. As long as the total amount of kilometers driven is in the included range, it will not cost extra. 

If you enter the wrong kilometer in the check in or check out we will first ask you to solve the cost between the two of you. If we need to intervene, we will look at the proof from the pictures taken, deduct money from the renter, and then pay out the money to the owner. SnappCar is not responsible for reimbursing the owner if this happens because of a mistake when entering the data, but we will do our best to help out.




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