Terms and conditions

In this article we explain SnappCar’s role when a transaction is made through our website. In it you will also find links to our general terms and conditions, cancellation and penalty policy and privacy policy. 


General terms and conditions

Our general terms and conditions apply to everyone using our service to rent, and/or rent out a car. The terms and conditions are automatically accepted when making a booking through our website or mobile app. 

We recommend that you read these conditions carefully so that you know what rights and obligations you have.

Click here for our General Terms and Conditions. 


Position of SnappCar as a digital platform

SnappCar was founded at the end of 2011 and has developed a new and innovative service; a platform (website + app) where private individuals can share their own cars.

SnappCar thus offers a service that consists of providing an internet platform on which the renting of cars between private individuals is made possible. The individuals that are part of the booking, the renter and the car owner, are in a legal agreement together, provided by the platform SnappCar. 

SnappCar is not a (legal) party to or with regard to the mutual concluded rental agreement. In addition, both the renter and the car owner conclude the insurance contract at the same time as they conclude the (rental) agreement. SnappCar is not a (legal) party in this either.


Penalty policy and cancellations

When renting a car on SnappCar you agree to the Terms and Conditions. This includes the rules for cancelling a booking and the general penalty policy. You can find the specific costs that come into effect here. Penalty Policy and Cancellation Costs


Complaints or conflicts

It is customary for renters and car owners to maintain contact with each other regarding new, current or historical bookings. This can be done via the Messages on the website, in the app, or by using the contact details from the booking. 


Even if a conflict arises between the renter and the owner, we assume you will mutually seek a suitable solution. Should this not succeed, the conflict can be presented to SnappCar. We consider both sides of the argument as far as possible. Our starting point is to mediate between the renter and car owner fairly. Make sure to read our insurance terms carefully to know what you are covered for, and what must be solved between you and the renter/owner. 



SnappCar is built on the community's trust in us and is also one of the pillars of our success. Your privacy is important to us, so we would like to inform you about how we collect and use personal data. For more information and contact details, please read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.

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