Contact us

Below you will find our contact details for each country we are active in:


The Netherlands

Community Support

Dutch phone support available every day 07.00-00.00 for active bookings.

Do you want to call us? We offer phone support directly through the app for our active bookings. Find it by going to Bookings -> Click the active booking -> Scroll down to this page.

  • Roadside assistance: Are you experiencing a mechanical breakdown or can your car not be driven anymore due to damage? Call us through the button and choose option 1. You will be forwarded to our Roadside Assistance partner (available 24/7), mention your booking number. 


Step 1: Navigate to the bookings in the menu below.

Step 2: Click the active booking.

Step 3: Scroll down to the bottom where you can see the "Call" button



                             1.                                                                                                          2.                           Contact3.png                                           1203BB64-FA28-4E1B-A2F0-6BA32C744A31_1_201_a.jpeg 






Do you need help but don't have an active booking? Look through our Helpcenter with answers to our  frequently asked questions! Here you will find extensive information about how SnappCar works and problems concerning your profile and your bookings.


Do you have a specific question about damages for Allianz?
Please send an email, referring to your damage number, to  

Press contact
Visit our press page via:



English speaking support for active bookings 07.00-00.00.

Do you want to call us? We offer phone support directly through the app for our active bookings. Find it by going to Bookings -> Click the active booking -> Scroll down and click the 'Call Customer Support' button as in the guide for The Netherlands above.

  • Roadside assistance
    Are you experiencing a mechanical breakdown or can your car not be driven anymore due to damage? Call and choose option 1. You will be forwarded to our Roadside Assistance partner (available 24/7), mention your booking number. 

For an answer to frequently asked questions, please check out our HelpCenter! Here you will find extensive information about how SnappCar works and problems concerning your profile and your bookings.





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