Cancel a booking

When renting a car on SnappCar you agree to the General Terms and Conditions. This also includes the rules for cancellation and the general penalty policy. You can find here the specific costs and rules around cancellations that come into effect.

Cancelling a paid booking
What are reasons to cancel a booking?
Why was my car taken offline after I cancelled a booking?

Cancelling a paid booking

If you want to cancel a paid booking (without consultation with the renter or a good reason) we can charge extra costs. With a cancellation within more than 24 hours before the start, the renter receive is complete amount as a refund. If you cancel within 24 hours (without a valid reason, to be determined by SnappCar Community Support) you risk a 75 euro fine. Always contact the renter in case you want to cancel a confirmed booking. Did you in agreement with the renter decide to cancel the booking within the 24h timeframe? Then please make sure that you as the owner of the car cancels the booking, and don't advise the renter to do so. Only then the renter receives a full refund of the booking.

You can cancel a booking online via My reservations > My bookings > click on the relevant booking > click Cancel.

To participate in SnappCar, you give your consent to the General Terms and Conditions

Do you have doubts about the renter? Please contact us via our chat. Please also mention the booking number.


What are reasons to cancel a booking?

The main reason to cancel a booking would be the unavailability of the booked car due to an unforeseen reason that you did not know at the time of booking. We ask that you only accept booking request during which you are certain the car is available. If the car is suddenly unavailable due to damage or other external reasons, please cancel the booking and inform the renter as quickly as possible. We ask that you try not to cancel bookings and see if a solution can be found where cancelling the booking can be avoided, since cancelling paid bookings can cause renters a lot of stress.


Why was my car taken offline after I cancelled a booking?

When owners cancel a certain number of bookings without a successful one in between, our system takes their car offline automatically to make sure that renters are not disappointed by cancelled bookings. We ask that you try not to cancel bookings and see if a solution can be found where cancelling the booking can be avoided, since cancelling paid bookings can cause renters a lot of stress.


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