Booking a car

Booking a car via SnappCar is very easy. You can search for a suitable car for your trip on our website. You start by entering in which area, zip code or city you are looking for a car and when you want to rent it. You will then see all available cars in your area.

Find a car

You can view the cars in order of recommendation, distance or price. Do you have a specific car in mind? Then we have several filters that you can use to make your search more specific. You can filter on car brand, type, price, distance, free km, fuel, passengers, year of construction, options and accessories. In this way you only get the cars that meet your requirements.

Each car has its own profile where you can find all information and details about the car. Read it carefully and check whether the car is suitable for your ride:

  • Description of the owner and of the car
  • User reviews, acceptance percentage and response time
  • Specifications: fuel, passengers, free km
  • Accessories: navigation, towbar, winter tires etc.
  • Do's & don'ts: Foreign, children, pets, smoking etc.

Expensive cars and vans

Age limit
Some cars have a higher age limit for rental acceptence. This has to do with the insurance conditions and the value of the car. For most vans there's a minimum age of 23 years old, and cars/vans with a daily rate of 75 euros or more have the condition that the renter must be 25 years or older. 

First booking
With a first booking, expensive cars and vans need an extra verification step. If you're rental request is blocked, please contact us via our chat and we are happy to help you out. 

Place rental requests

If you have found a suitable car, you can send a message to the owner in case you have any questions, or immediately submit a rental request. In the rental request you also let the owner know where you need the car for, so the owner can better estimate if you are a match! To increase the chance of a successful match, we recommend sending multiple rental requests. As soon as a rental request has been accepted and paid, the other requests will automatically be canceled.

Instant booking

There are also cars that you can book instantly, this means that you do not have to wait for acceptance from the owner. You can directly pay for the booking to make it final. You recognise these cars by the lightning icon: instantBooking.png

Note: To send the rental request you need a verified profile. If your account has not yet been verified, your rental request will be sent automatically as soon as you enter the missing details in your account. Read here how to verify your account.

Finalizing the booking

An accepted rental request is not yet an official booking, you have to complete the payment first with iDeal or Creditcard. After the owner accepts your request you will receive an e-mail from us with which you can complete the payment. Please note you can only fulfil the payment with a personal bank account in your own name, not with someone else's bank account or a business/company account. With the payment you can also buy off the own risk. Once you've fulfilled the payment, your booking is officially confirmed 🎉

After the payment you will receive a confirmation and the contact details of the car owner! If you still have questions about the car or the booking, please contact the owner. 

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